Assiut is one of the fastest growing cities in Egypt with strong informal development on the fertile banks of the river Nile. Dense new settlements quickly move into the agricultural land with supply and disposal infrastructure not catching up the progress.

In the creative design lab we develop concepts and designs for interactive infrastructures that link energy, water, food and waste flows and facilities addressing these challenges through a metabolic approach. The summer school is organized within the framework of the BMBF funded research project “Rapid Planning”.


In the course of the creative lab, 25 students from the disciplines of landscape architecture, urban design, architecture, urban and regional planning and similar disciplines are welcome. An application for the participation is required.

Cooperation partner

Technische Universität Berlin – Chair of Landscape Architecture and Open Space Planning
Frankfurt University of Applies Sciences – Faculty 1: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geomatics
Assiut University – Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
City of Assiut (Governorate) – Urban Planning Department Assiut


01st – 10th October 2017


Apply Now until July 24th

Further Information

Poster Summershool Assiut
